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The Importance of an Engineering Internship for Mechanical Designers

Written by Dialectic Engineering | Aug 3, 2022 12:00:43 AM

We work hard at Dialectic to make sure our internship program is beneficial to every single intern. We prioritize real project work and treat all interns as employees. That’s why we’re always thrilled when former interns decide to become full-time employees at Dialectic.

Kayla Huffman, a former intern turned full-time mechanical engineer at Dialectic, did just that. Hear about her internship journey and her thoughts about working at Dialectic.

What advice do you have for a college student looking for an internship?

Kayla: Explore your options. When I started, I did not want to do mechanical. I told my mom before I started that I don’t think mechanical engineering is for me, and here I am. That’s what I do and that’s what I love.

When you applied for your internship, did you think you’d be pursuing a full-time career?

Kayla: Yes. I went in with the intention of going full time where I interned if the opportunity arose. I knew that I’d like to make it an easier transition coming out of college. I wanted to know what I was getting into. I went to K-State, and we did a company presentation, and then on the next day you sign up and everyone gets interviewed for internships. Our presentation was bowling, and no one ever does that. It’s normally just a PowerPoint and someone talking about the company and answering questions. But Dialectic is different.

What type of projects were you able to work on and what things were you able to do that were unique as an intern?

Kayla: I worked on the same things as an intern as I am now as a full-time hire. So, nothing’s different. I’m getting more projects because I’m used to it now but doing the same thing. I really value that real-world experience.

How did you see yourself grow professionally as an intern?

Kayla: This is oddly specific, but I’m bad at drafting emails and getting my thoughts onto paper and I feel like I’ve gotten better at that. It’s such a basic thing, but in this industry you need to be able to communicate. These past 4-5 weeks have allowed me to get a lot better.

What made Dialectic stand out to you as far as firms in the engineering industry?

Kayla: When I was an intern, Dialectic gave me useful work that made sense. It was not busy work. We were designing actual projects, not random stuff. Also, Dialectic has a great environment and is filled with great people.

Interested in learning more about Dialectic’s internship program? Stay tuned to our social platforms and see why Dialectic is the place to start your engineering career.